Blocks > Alchemical Symbols (1F700-1F77F) > 1F727 Alchemical Symbol For Sublimate Of Salt Of Copper

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HTML Entity (dec)🜧
HTML Entity (hex)🜧
UTF-8 (hex)0xf09f9ca7 / 0xf0 0x9f 0x9c 0xa7 (4 bytes)
UTF-8 (dec)240, 159, 156, 167 (4 bytes)
UTF-16-BE (hex)0xd83ddf27 / 0xd8 0x3d 0xdf 0x27 (4 bytes)
UTF-16-BE (dec)216, 61, 223, 39 (4 bytes)
UTF-32-BE (hex)0x1f727 / 0x00 0x01 0xf7 0x27 (4 bytes)
UTF-32-BE (dec)0, 1, 247, 39 (4 bytes)
C/C++/Java source code"\u1f727"
Python source code"\u1f727"

© Matt Billenstein — Comments or suggestions?